Tag Archives: 9/11 controversy

Moving Memories

As the 10th anniversary of 9/11 approached, I realized that my three children (now grown) had never seen “Moving Memories,” the Arizona 9/11 memorial located at Wesley Bolin Plaza across from the Arizona State Capitol.

So I headed out one morning with my son Christopher to explore the 9/11 memorial — as well as other memorials located at the plaza. “Moving Memories,” the subject of controversy both during its development and after its installation, is the site of an interfaith memorial taking place Sun, Sept 11 (11:30am-12:30pm). Members of the public are welcome. www.azifm.org.

I’ve explored many a memorial while following coverage of 9/11-related events — and find some to be utterly lacking in imagination. That’s not the case with “Moving Memories.” The structure, designed by Jones Studio in Phoenix, captures light, creates shadows and shares words that reflect the diversity of an ever-evolving democracy.

The words stenciled into “Moving Memories” present a jarring juxtaposition of everyday life and larger than life events — which is exactly how life presented itself on 9/11. I was particularly struck by words reflecting personal experiences. Making T-shirts to raise memorial funds. Writing songs to honor a brother. Some are captured in the images below.

“Moving Memories” sits on a lawn opposite a circle of other Arizona memorials…

The memorial includes this section of a building from the World Trade Center…

This metal arc is stenciled with words so light passes through to the concrete below…

Sunlit words are projected on to the concrete circle at the memorial’s base…

Children intrigued by these stencils can create the same effect at home…

Examples of both readily accepted and controversial wording on the memorial…

Some wording reflects the ways everyday Americans responded to 9/11…

The most important words in this memorial may be those pictured below…

If you’re heading to outdoor memorial events today, remember to take along plenty of water and sunscreen — and to be especially kind on a day when many may be hurting.

— Lynn

Note: While you’re at Wesley Bolin Plaza, make time to explore other memorials you’ll find there — to peace officers, veterans, victims of genocide, canines who work with law enforcement, workers who’ve died on the job and many others. Visit the calendar section of www.raisingarizonakids.com to learn about additional 9/11 memorial events in the Valley. To learn more about controversial 9/11 art visit www.artinfo.com/news/story/38569/7-controversies-that-shaped-the-debate-about-911-art/?page=2. To explore additional images of “Moving Memories” visit www.jonesstudioinc.com/26/index.htm.

Coming up: Spotlight on “CATS,” A trio of tea parties, Honk if you love Hans!, From acting to anatomy, The making of “Munched”

Update: Ground Zero photos taken during the past ten years are now posted at www.boston.com/bigpicture/2011/09/ground_zero_september_11_2001.html