Tag Archives: Camelot

Find your grail

In one of the few semi-serious moments during the musical “Monty Python’s Spamalot,” the cast sings a song about finding your grail. It’s hard to relate to because, frankly, I’m satisfied most days with simply finding my mail.

Lizabeth and I have long had tickets to see “Monty Python’s Spamalot,” which is being presented by Theater League at the Orpheum Theatre in downtown Phoenix through Sunday.

I may have stumbled onto Monty Python a bit too early in life to really get the gag, so I can’t say that I was a huge fan going into this show. But my appreciation for the offbeat humor has grown since seeing “Monty Python’s Spamalot.”

Though the comedic elements differ, this show reminds me in many ways of “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.” Just add in plenty of references to gay men and Jews, and props such as herring.

Loved the lively music, colorful costumes and bright, shiny lights. Loved the references to pop culture from Britney Spears to Lady Gaga. Loved the scenes spoofing other musicals (I won’t name names). Loved Sir Robin (Martin Glyer) and The Lady of the Lake (Caroline Bowman).

I don’t know that I’ve ever laughed as much, or as loudly, as I did throughout this performance. Folks sitting nearby would be asking for refunds had they not been suffering from a similar affliction. Plus, as a character notes during the show: “What happens in Camelot, stays in Camelot!”

Before the curtain came up on Act I, a Theatre League representative announced their 2011-2012 season — which includes “The Wizard of Oz,” “The Rat Pack is Back,” “My Fair Lady,” and “Grease” (plus some other goodies you’ll find noted on their website).

He also announced that students from a local high school were in the house (there to support a teacher all duded up with knight gear for a brief bit in the show). I chatted with four of the students during intermission, who eagerly told me about their spring musical (“The Music Man”) and the school’s theater program.

One especially articulate student in particular impressed me with her poise, confidence, professional demeanor and genuine enthusiasm for musical theater.

I invited her to submit a guest blog for possible online publication, so watch for her review during the next day or two. She’s a repeat “Spamalot” offender who really seems to know her stuff — and I’ve no doubt she’ll one day capture her grail.

As I drove home from the show, Lizabeth leaned against the front passenger-side car door and fell asleep while clutching her purple “I’m Not Dead Yet” T-shirt.

When we pulled into our driveway, a single glance in her direction reaffirmed what I’ve long known.

I’ve already found my grail.

— Lynn

Note: Spamalot contains adult language and situations, so this one is not for the kiddies (who might also miss the humor in the show’s “killer rabbit”).

Coming up: Searching for Seussical, Scottsdale Conservatory Theatre, What’s up with one-acts?