Tag Archives: Cannes

Declaration of War

I’m beginning to understand the logic behind heading to “Talk Cinema” films at Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts without knowing what they are. “Talk Cinema” is a monthly film screening featuring works selected by New York film critic Harlan Jacobson, and many of its subsribers choose to attend each month not knowing his selection.

But I always peek first, just like I did when Christmas presents called my name from under the tree as a very young child. The venue posts a link with information on the film just days before it’s screened, for those of us who like to look. I expected to watch a war film after seeing that the January selection was titled “Declaration of War,” and I did.

But “Declaration of War” doesn’t recount a battle of countries or ideas. Instead, it’s the tale of two French parents tackling their young son’s brain tumor. I wasn’t feeling particularly perky Tuesday night before heading out to the screening, and expecting to be hit with a depressing flick made it harder to get up and go. But something in the movie’s poster signaled it might be more joyous than morose.

And I was curious, having seen one of our own children battle cancer, about how another family’s struggle might look different from our own. Many in the audience spoke after the film of feeling incredibly sad while viewing it, but I felt quite the opposite — because the boy expected to die before he could start school instead becomes a cancer survivor. And despite the family’s tragedy, their lives are filled with simple joys that others facing less trying times often have a hard time mustering.

“Declaration of War” was written by Valerie Donzelli and Jeremie Elkaim, the parents at the heart of the film, and directed by Donzelli. Both were working actors in France prior to creating and starring in this film, which premiered during critics week at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival and was submitted by France for the foreign-language film Oscar. Donzelli was also writer, actor and director for a 2009 film called “The Queen of Hearts.”

Their characters in “Declaration of War” are young parents named Romeo and Juliette. As the film opens, we hear two oddly similar  but jarring sounds — the beat of club music and the drumming sound of an MRI machine in action. Their time with one quickly shifts to time with the other, hasted cinematically by quick, rough shots using a Canon 5D camera and pulsating music that drives them quickly from the diaper stage to diagnosis — from feeling inept within the walls of their home to being empowered inside hospital corridors.

In the film, infant son Adam (César Desseix) seems perfectly normal at birth. Once home, he cries nearly non-stop — something parents and professionals chalk up to being overfed or getting new teeth until other problems emerge. The 18-month old can’t balance to walk and begins vomiting for no apparent reason. Eventually a doctor spots something suspicious, and orders the test that launches the couple’s journey into childrearing and cancer.

Our first look at Adam comes quite early in the film, when he’s eight years old and played by the couple’s own son, Gabriel Elkaim. Jacobson says it frees the viewer to follow the film’s sometimes wild ride rather than fretting throughout about the boy’s possible death. Gabriel survives cancer but the couple’s romantic relationship, conveyed in the film by singing to and with one another, does not — though they continue to parent and work together.

Jacobson shared his film expertise during a talk-back session after the screening, noting that box office sales in France rose last year as box office sales in the U.S. sagged. Despite higher ticket sales, he says, our box office revenues fell by 12%. 

Apparently Americans don’t have much appetite for foreign films. “If you like  foreign films,” quiped Jacobson, “you’re part of the one percent.” About 1/3 of foreign film revenues in the U.S. are earned in New York City, he says. Hence my daughter’s delight in seeing movies in Manhattan weeks before they open in Arizona.

The current “Talk Cinema” series at Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts includes four more screenings — on Feb. 7, March 20, April 17 and May 8. Tickets for students (with current student I.D.) are just $10. There’s no popcorn, and the crowd is remarkably quiet, making for a lovely low-cal evening enjoyed alone or with friends.

— Lynn

Note: Click here to learn about a Scottsdale-based organization called Students Supporting Brain Tumor Research, which presents their 2012 Phoenix/Scottsdale walk-a-thon on Sun, Feb. 12.

Coming up: Celebrating MLK the arts & culture way

The sleeping beauty?

I just tucked my own sleeping beauty, home today with a nasty case of fever and the chills, back into bed. If Lizabeth was feeling better, we’d be heading out this weekend to see Ballet Etudes perform “The Sleeping Beauty” at Chandler Center for the Arts.

Many years ago, I enjoyed a Ballet Etudes performance of “Cinderella” with RAK founder Karen Barr, whose two grown sons live too far away to join her at the ballet. She’d taken along some younger family members and treated them to a backstage tour — complete with an up close look at the magnificent carriage that transports Cinderella to the ball.

I suspect plenty of other children will experience a similar sense of awe and enchantment this weekend as Ballet Etudes breathes life into the classic tale of a young girl’s rendezvous with a witch who proffers sleeping spells and shiny apples. Ballet Etudes is a master of costumes and sets with a truly magical feel. And there’s nothing more appealing for children or teens than watching other young people perform.

As Ballet Etudes performs “The Sleeping Beauty” this weekend, filmmakers and those who love them are gathered on the French Riviera to fawn over films that include “Sleeping Beauty,” directed by Julia Leigh, and starring Emily Browning and Rachel Blake.

Sleeping Beauty” — a 2010 film out of Australia — is one of several official selections at this year’s Cannes Film Festival. Folks affiliated with the film describe it as “a haunting erotic fairytale about Lucy, a young university student drawn into a hidden world of beauty and desire.” She’ll have to contend with something far more sinister than an apple.

For those of us content to lead less glamorous lives, Ballet Etudes provides all sorts of opportunities. In addition to performing several works each season, the company offers a wide range of dance classes through its Ballet Etudes School of Dance in Gilbert. There’s ballet, pointe, lyrical/contemporary, hip hop, jazz and more. Even yoga, adult ballet and “Disney Ballerina.”

As my own sleeping beauty rests surrounded by stuffed animals, some sporting ballet garb of their own, I’m going to spend some time exploring the Ballet Etudes website — where there’s plenty of information on summer dance intensives and ballerina birthday parties. Also their golf tournament fundraiser, taking place May 21 in Queen Creek. And the School of Dance recital scheduled for June 2 at Mesa Arts Center.

Ballet Etudes performs “The Sleeping Beauty” tonight (Fri, May 13) at 7pm, May 14 at 2pm and 7pm, and May 15 at 3pm. Click here for ticket information — then comment below, after you go, to let other readers know what you thought of the show.

— Lynn

Note: Click here for a comprehensive guide to “Sleeping Beauty” from the Cannes Film Festival website

Coming up: Shakespeare-in-the-Schools