Tag Archives: Jewish traditions

Museum explores Jewish holidays

The shofar is used during Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur

My last trip to the Jewish Children’s Museum in Brooklyn took place between Rosh Hoshana and Yom Kippur, and included time exploring an exhibit titled “Jewish Holidays.”

It’s located on the museum’s third floor, which features an “Exploring Jewish Life” theme. Other exhibits in this part of the museum include “6 Days of Creation,” “Shabbat,” “Kosher Supermarket,” “Kosher Kitchen” and “World of Good.”

As Jews the world over celebrate Yom Kippur, it’s an especially fitting day for others to pause and learn more about Jewish faith and traditions.

Enjoy these photos from the museum’s “Jewish Holidays” exhibit…

Portion of “Jewish Holidays” exhibit featuring Shavu’ot

Section of “Jewish Holidays” exhibit featuring Pesach

The Purim portion of the exhibit features this Scroll of Esther

The Chanukkah portion of the exhibit includes these oil presses

Click here to learn more about the Jewish Children’s Museum, and here to explore offerings at The Jewish Museum in NYC.

— Lynn

Note: Learn more about Jewish arts and culture in Arizona by exploring the Arizona Jewish Historical Society in Phoenix and the Jewish History Museum in Tucson.

Coming up: A big brother tale