Tag Archives: community garden

Growing a future

Volunteers from SCC, Mesa and Scottsdale schools at Mesa Urban Garden

The 9/11 National Day of Service and Remembrance helps us remember the past while embracing the future. Today volunteers around the country honored those lost on 9/11 by participating in all sorts of community projects with fellow citizens — including a community gardening project in Mesa.

Mandy Buscas with Mesa Arts Center

Dozens of people gathered this morning at the Mesa Urban Garden — building giant planting boxes, then filling them with soil. I headed over to the garden with my son Christopher, where we met friends old and new working together to build not only a garden but a lovely sense of community too.

We met several students — including Rachel, Madyson, Casey and Courtney. Also Lisa McCarville and her son Conor, an 11-year-old homeschooler with lovely manners and an impish smile. And 18-month old Gage Martin, volunteering with family members readying to open a restaurant called Republica Empanada next door.

Conor McDarville, age 11, attended the MUG event with his mom Lisa

Mandy Buscas, education director for outreach programs at Mesa Arts Center, showed us around the garden — even making sure we connected with muralist Kyllan Maney, one of two artists who painted a stunning wall that forms the garden’s backdrop. Seems they started painting during the wee hours in July, eager to avoid sweltering daytime temperatures.

Artist Kyllan Maney, who created the garden mural with artist Lauren Lee

Maney painted the mural’s lush flowers in hues of purple and green, and the mural also features birds, skyscrapers and an image of artist Frida Kahlo that Jinette shared is her favorite part of the wall. I’m eager to revisit the space once planting is complete.

Knowing people across the Valley and state were bringing good things to life brought hope to a day filled with painful memories. Together they’re helping to grow the future, and I’m grateful.

— Lynn

Note: Click here to learn more about the Mesa Urban Garden

Coming up: Art on the move

Updated 9/13/12